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Business Loans: Financing for Small Business Owners

Business Loans

Most banks have strict lending criteria for small businesses that make it extremely difficult to obtain a small business loan. Banks ask borrowers to be in business for no less than 2 years, have personal and business credit history in good standing, and possess a positive cash flow. This can be discouraging for small business owners but there are some financial alternatives to traditional banks and lending institutions. Borrowers can get a small business loan online for purchasing equipment, hiring employees, buying insurance, and ordering inventory. The flexibility and accessibility offered from an online loan gives entrepreneurs ample available capital for running a successful start up or existing business without the impractical requirements demanded from banks.

Being your own boss has its perks. However, the extra benefits come with added responsibility. One of the biggest tasks for small business owners is handling business finances. Poor financial planning prevents most businesses from succeeding in the first year and is the basis for why banks rarely financially back new companies. Banks consider businesses credit worthiness just like the do with individuals. If a business has no credit history or assets, a bank is very likely to deny a loan request. While they are in the business of providing loans, they have to protect their investments and shareholders against high risk loans. Finding alternative financing may be a new business owners best, if not only, option.

71 percent
According to a Federal Reserve report, this is the percentage of Americans ages 18 and up who own a smart phone and have access to online financial services and products.